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Main Monthly With Lou Brown

with... Louis Brown

How to stop strangers from stealing your assets

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Real quick, my friend and 40 year veteran
investor is teaching a master class training on a topic
that you absolutely MUST know about. It’s online and it’s FREE!
Can you guess who it might be? His initials are LB

The topic is Trusts, a little known yet extremely powerful
entity that will forever change what you do and how you
do it in real estate.
Privacy, Protection, Profits and Probate avoidance are
just four of the over 30 benefits of trusts and
honestly, you need to know all these.

There’s no one more qualified to get this
knowledge from!
Lou has been teaching on this topic since 1986…and it’s
not just the legal stuff and the forms Lou will give you -
which by the way, are the best on the planet - it’s the
strategy of how to use them that’s so important.
And almost no attorney will give you the strategy part
because they don’t even know themselves.
Anyway, I’ve got to run but I highly encourage you to
check this out and get yourself registered.
I’m planning on joining him and I hope to see you
there, because this information is so powerful I
wouldn’t dare skip out on teaching.

Free For Members
Free For Everyone

Date:  Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Time:  7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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  • (818) 217-4630
  • Las Vegas, NV

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